You always follow through with all the wealth strategies you learn and like, right? If you said no, you're not alone. I don't and most of my clients don't either. Actually, it's probably not a good idea if you want to keep balance in your life.
So, what do you do if you aren't implementing much of anything or just keep going for the small stuff? You have to step into the mentality of the "B" & "I" quadrants. (If you don't know what they are, read Robert Kiyosaki's, "CASHFLOW Quadrant
Simple ways to make the changes are best.
1. If you haven't yet done your 3 wealth plans, decide when you'll do it. Get out your calendar right now, set aside 2 hours and JUST DO IT. Need help? Go to
2. Clarify what hasn't been working and what's standing between you and implementation. If your answer is procrastination, look deeper. Why? Do you need more info, do you think it'll be hard, is there fear? Do you need assistance?
3. Focus on the essence of what your wealth plan will get you. Now say, "Yes, I CAN have that." The only reason you may not have it all now is because you haven't made the decision to have it. It must be a done deal in your mind. You have to believe it. You've heard it a million times. Do you believe?
4. Release any of your stories, proof and excuses of why you haven't/can't move forward with implementing the strategies that will get you out of the rat race. They are illusions. And if you say that the economy is bad or you don't know how to begin, I'll scream! You DO know what you need to do and there are tons of people prospering right now.
5. Create a specific focus. For example, set up automatic deductions from your checking into an account that will build to invest for real estate deals. Make two extra payments on your mortgage each year. Form a partnership with 3 other people to play CASHFLOW, mastermind and possibly do deals together. That's it. Three areas of focus at a time. Once you have one completed, pick up another. This sounds basic, but most people truly do not make this a priority. How much time do you spend talking about your lack of money, fret over spending money, feel guilty about what you're not doing about investing, stressing over your business and economy, etc.? Flip your focus to what's possible (in a good way) and channel your energy into solutions and actions.
6. Be accountable to someone. Friend, spouse, coach. Put post it notes up to remind you. Get psyched about moving forward. Talk about your successes and the place you were stuck in.
7. It is not complicated. Let this be fun. Everything to do with money is a game. Keep it light. Remember fear may feel real, but it is an illusion that you can replace with another emotion like being thrilled.
8. Say NO to:
* Anything that is not on your primary focus list.
* Your ego mind worrying about what other people think about your strategy.
* Getting advice from anyone who doesn't walk their talk.
* Holding on to what you have for fear nothing better will come.
* Playing and feeling small.
* Jumping into a deal before you feel confident about your choice.
* Your old stories that keep you at the level of wealth you're at(unless you are right where you want to be!)
* Guilt. It's of no use. If you're not moving at the speed you want, find someone or something to take you into a new reality with your financial freedom.
9. Say YES to:
* Working your plan at a pace that feels good for you (fast or slow, doesn't matter).
* Visualizing what it would feel like to have millions of $$$ (or whatever your dream is). Make it so real in your mind, that it makes you smile. :-)
* Making a decision right now to implement something you've been wanting to do. C'mon. Make it a stretch.
* Feeling peaceful right now, no matter what your current financial status is. Peace has nothing to do with financial security and wealth. It's a state of mind. If you get peaceful first, the wealth comes a lot faster and easier. I say this from experiencing both extremes myself and watching my clients.
* Knowing that you're up to this. Of course you are! Say it. "I am a money magnet!"Yeah!!!
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Jeanna Gabellini is the Xtreme Abundance Coach. She'll give you all the tools you need to create financial wealth and prosperity with her personal coaching, tele-courses and audio products. Jeanna blends strategy, Laws of attraction and FUN to assist you in creating exactly what you want. Are you ready for Extreme Abundance? Go to to get your free ezine or call 707-747-0447 for more info.
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