Sunday, December 31, 2006

Live Your Dream Despite Bad Credits - Bad Credit Loan Can Help

By Kirthy S

Bad credits plague most of the individuals and raising sufficient funds to meet urgent personal needs gets daunting. Your credit history reflects your bad credits and you begin to realize that your credit is less than satisfactory. It is this bad credit which is of concern to you, as you will be unable to secure any loans in future. Usually, lenders look at you as a “problem case” as they are not sure of the borrowers’ loan repayment.

Now, there are several ways to fund bad credit borrowers’ personal needs. Borrowers experiencing adverse credits can raise funds of any kind for a gamut of reasons. There are loans specially designed for bad credit holder to purchase a car, build a home, undertake undertake home improvements, set up or expand a new or old business, fund your wedding expenses or your holiday.

Causes of mounting bad credit could be caused by self or created out of circumstances. The most common causes are late bill payments, arrears, defaults, County Court Judgments (CCJ’s), IVA or even bankruptcy.

Bad credit loan can serve you all of the below and much more:

Bad credit instant loan

Bad credit car loan

Bad credit home loan

Bad credit fast loan

Bad credit mortgage refinance

Bad credit guaranteed personal loan

Bad credit loan payday

Poor Credit Personal Loans

A borrower with bad credits wanting to secure funds for short term or long term needs, can still be able to do so. With some research online one can compare different loan rates and settle down with the most competitive rate. Bad credit personal loan can help fund any personal need. Right from home improvement, car purchase, holiday or education, individuals of all income levels and credit standings need personal loans for a variety of reasons. It helps you in your trying times when financial help is hard to come.

Special car financing

Special bad credit auto loans can make available funds for you to finance your car or bike purchase. You no more have to brood over your bad credits. Make your car purchase just like your counterpart with good or perfect credits. However, you car loan rates will not be as competitive as theirs. You can fight out your high interest rates by releasing a sound equity.

Home financing

Building a home might be your long awaited dream project, but bad credits might have been the cause of your turned down loan application. Now, even the one with poor credit can obtain home loan. Specially designed bad credit mortgage loan can help.

Do not let bad credits handicap you, search online for loans with bad credits and rest be assured to open up a new world of bad credit loans. Log onto Loan for related sites.

Stock Investing: Getting Started

By Rob Rens

When starting to invest in online trading there are many different aspects you must look into. I am here to explain different aspects along with a few tips I have learned over the years.

Investing: An investment is defined as an item of value purchased for income or capital appreciation. In reference to stocks, traders who label themselves "investors" usually play stocks from the Big Boards (which we will discuss later) and choose their investments based upon cold hard facts, fundamentals, and the overall quality of the company behind the stock.

Daytrading or Swingtrading: Especially online, people will throw around the terms daytrading, swingtrading, and flipping a stock. In essence, they are all similar and overlapping styles of trading. Daytrading is when you buy an sell a stock within the same day once, twice, or many times (intra-day trading). Swingtrading is usually looking for a movement within the month of purchase. Flipping a stock is a style of trading built by targets set by looking at past performance. Flipping a stock is done by buying any given stock at its bottom support levels and selling at its resistance. All of these methods are short-term trading styles. They are influenced by what is going on right now; not what/where this company is going in the future. These indicators of market movement ATM (at the moment) include Technical Analysis, Press Releases, Stock Momentum (public sentiment) and general trends in different sectors.

Trading on Margin: Many investors are timid when opening a margin account. However, opening a margin account is the only way to avoid the "3-day" rule. When you open a margin account, you no longer have to wait 3 days for you funds to settle after a stock purchase/sale. Most online brokers require a $2,000 balance to open a margin account. If you are able to open one then you have the ability to purchase more stock than a normal cash account would actually allow. With $2000 in cash, you would have the ability to purchase $4,000 in stock. However, use caution, because if your purchase goes into the red, you loss also doubles

Shorting a Stock: Shorting a stock is another perk of opening a margin account. When you short a stock, you are actually selling something that you do not have. Usually this is done with the intention that a stock will decrease in price (for a various number of reasons). When it decreases in price enough to make you a profit, then you purchase that stock back (called covering your short position). Basically it is trading, only backwards. This ability gives you a method of making money by catching stocks in a downward (bearish) movement as opposed to looking for stocks on the rise (bullish stocks).

FYI...You cannot short OTCBB, Pinksheet, or any other stocks under $5.00.

Risk Tolerance: If you were to hire a "big-shot" broker or financial analyst than they would discuss your risk tolerance, and probably do it very extensively. I will address it shortly however, becasue I believe it is an essential question you must answer before you begin trading, however the answer is very simple.

First, figure out how much you can start to trade with. $500 will open you an account to help you learn, but will not offer much return. Others may recommend different amounts, but I believe that $1500 - $2500 is a decent amount to begin with if possible. This way, you can play approximately 3 stocks at once and erase a red play with two green ones.

Second, never invest (especially in pennies) what you cant afford to lose. When you begin, it is a learning experience. Don't think of getting rich quick. The more you know, the safer your money will be. Protecting you initial capital comes first. It is better to not take a loss than to not take a gain. Pennies are not your kid's college fund. Trusts and Mutual Funds handle that type of low risk, slow growth.

Finally, when it comes to risk (sorry for the cliche) Knowledge is Power. The more you know, the safer your money is. Play safe, play smart. Make the You need to know smart trade.

$$$ Practice, Predict, Profit $$$

Opening an Account: The next step is opening an account. By addressing all of the above issues, it will make your decision about a broker much easier. Knowing how often you plan to trade, what your average trade size will be, and various other aspects of your trading style/interests will determine the broker which best suits you. The next post will layout the key points/attributes, pros/cons, and customer service experiences with the most popular, affordable, and reliable online brokers.

Saving for College With a 529 Plan

By David Grimaldi

It's never been more important for the children in your life to receive a college education. Studies show that over a lifetime, the earnings gap between a person who has a high school education and one who has a college degree may exceed $1 million.*

According to the college board, a not-for-profit, education association, for 2004-2005 average costs for one year at a state university totaled $5,132 +10.5%, and $27,516 +5.6% for a private university.** Should you also be thinking of graduate or professional school, the costs will really skyrocket.

A 529 Plan Can Help

Although funding a childs way through college will never be easy, some help is available through 529 College Savings Plans- also called Qualified Tuition Programs. These plans were created under section 529 of the Internal Revenue code to help U.S citizens and permanent residents meet higher education expenses and offer considerable financial benefits, such as:

Tax Advantages

Your plan can grow federal income tax deferred. Withdrawals are also free from federal income taxes when used for qualified educational expenses. There may also be state income tax advantages such as tax-free withdrawals and deductions for contributions for qualified purposes. Be sure to understand these important state tax benefits, because many states only offer tax incentives for 529 Plans investing to residents who enroll in their own or the beneficiaries own State's plan. This means that state tax advantages are generally not available to the persons who enroll in the 529 Plan of a state where neither they nor the beneficiary are residents. If withdrawals are used for non-qualified purposes, it may be subject to taxes and a 10% federal penalty.***

Gift and Estate Tax Benefits

Your plan allows you certain gift tax exclusions and offers special estate planning advantages, without triggering federal gift taxes, to encourage donors to contribute for higher education expenses for a loved one.


You can use your plans funds at any accredited institution of higher education.

Additional Contributors

Parents are not the only one who can contribute to a 529 Plan. Grandparents, other relatives, or even friends can establish accounts and contribute.

Investment choices

You can choose from a variety of investment strategies best suited to your individual circumstances and risk tolerance. You'll also benefit from the professional investment management skills.

Types of Plans

Prepaid tuition plans allow you to purchase tomorrows college tuition at todays prices. This may be an attractive advantage since you are assured your tuition is prepaid, but this type of plan generally requires your child to attend a school in your state or a particular school. Under a 529 Savings Plan you may create an account in your name and choose a beneficiary - your child, a grandchild, or the child of a friend. Your regular contributions to the plan can grow tax deferred until withdrawn and, if spent on qualified education expenses, will be tax free when withdrawn. **** In most cases, this can result in considerable savings. Best of all, the money can be spent at any college or post secondary educational institution.

Nearly 529 Reasons to Save

But the reasons to consider 529 Plans don't stop there. They also feature generous contribution limits, often above $200,000 per beneficiary-which can be used for another member of the family in case the original beneficiary doesn't attend college. Check the program guidelines for eligible family members.

For More Information

Although section 529 Plans make saving for college considerably easier, they may not be appropriate for everyone. There are other ways for saving for higher education like Coverdell Savings Accounts, Uniform Gift/Transfer to Minors Act Accounts, savings bonds, and regular mutual funds. But whatever route you take, be sure to begin early. To learn more how you can better invest for your childs education, you may call (866) 651-8625 0r (212) 883-8533 or send emails to

*Source: Trends in College Pricing 2004: Published by the College Board.

**Figures shown include tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies, transportation and other expenses for residential students.

***Some states will impose a state tax penalty on non qualified and this penalty may vary by state but not exceed 10% under current laws.

****Under current federal tax law, the tax-free nature of section 529 Plans will be automatically appealed by the end of 2010. Thereafter, unless congress renews or extends the law, earnings withdrawn from a 529 Plan will be taxable income of the beneficiary if used for qualified educational expenses and taxable income of the contributor if used for non qualified.

This material was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transactions or matters addressed herein. It was not intended or written to be used, and can not be used by any tax payer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the tax payer under U.S. Federal Tax Laws. Morgan Stanley does not render advise on tax and law accounting matters to its clients. Each tax payer should seek advise based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. This article does not constitute tax or legal advise. Consult your tax or legal advisor before making any tax or legally related investment decisions. This article is published for general informational purposes only and is not an offer or solicitation to sell or buy any securities or commodities. Any particular investment should be analyzed based on its terms and risks as they relate to your individual circumstances and objectives. Investments and services are offered through Morgan Stanley DW Inc., member SIPC.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

How Much Is That Baby In The Window?

By: Thomas Martucci

How Much is That Baby in the Window?

When you are looking at your newborn baby through the glass in the hospital nursery, we hope that you had put some thought into how much a baby costs each year. Have you adjusted the family budget to include the additional expenses of a child? The unfortunate fact is that the majority of people have not really thought about the cost or attempted to budget accordingly.

The US department of Agriculture reported that the yearly cost of raising a child varies depending on the child’s age and the household income. The report states that the yearly cost through age 17 (not including college education) will range from $6,490 to $7,560 for low-income families, $9,030 to $10,140 for middle-income families and $13,410 to $14, 670 for high-income families.

For most of us, having a child will cost anywhere from $500 to $950 per month. This sudden increase in expenses can put a tremendous strain on anyone’s personal finances. You should take the initiative to prepare ahead of time. Even an unplanned pregnancy gives approximately 9 months for a family to prepare before the baby comes. That should be plenty of time to develop a budget and work out any problems related to that budget.

It is surprising how many people have no idea of the additional month in and month out costs associated with a child. This is one of the major reasons why both parents in a two-income household will continue to work after the baby is born.

If you do not have a workable budget pre-pregnancy, then it is imperative that you take the nine months to do so. Followings is a list of the first couple steps to take:

· Audit your expenses
· Determine where you can save money
· Decide on what you need to cut back on

Doing this before the baby is born will allow you the flexibility to determine if you need to go back to work and time to enjoy your new baby without the financial pressure. Prior planning and budgeting will go a long way in giving you “Financial Peace of Mind”.

Article Source:

Thomas Martucci started developing the BUDGETkeeper SYSTEM in 1999. As a business owner for 20+ yrs, he understood the need for a budget in business. At home however, it was never a necessity until a financial firestorm hit and made home budgeting a task that had to be done, like it or not. Thomas labored for several years to perfect a home budgeting system that worked for anyone. Visit our website at for more information about the BUDGETkeeper SYSTEM.

Need A Loan After A Bankruptcy? Possible If You Have Equity

If you have had the misfortune to declare bankruptcy recently, then you definitely know what a struggle it can be to get funds. Not only do you have a limitation on your ability to get funds from most lenders, but even getting a credit card will not be easy. However, one option that you do have, if you possess a house, is the equity that is in the house. Here is how you may still be able to get the needed loan you want by the equity in your house.

After a bankruptcy, you will probably need to wait about two years before most lenders will give you any money. They calculate that it will probably take about that long to begin to get reestablished financially. So, in the interim, you will want to be careful to build your credit rating and do nothing to make it any worse than it is. Also, look over your credit report and see if there is anything on it that is not correct. If there is, work to get the necessary corrections before you apply for any loans.

The good thing is that your creditors know that you want to keep your house. Other things may have been lost but you have kept the house. They also figure that you still plan to keep it - even after they issue you a loan. That gives you some stability in their eyes, and even makes you a rather good risk. Even if you should decide to not make the payments, they still will have the house to recover their losses.

This makes it look rather good to them. As long as other things look good, like you've had your job for a while, make a decent salary and do not have a lot of other debt you are paying on now, then you may very well be able to get the loan you want.

Even then, you may still want to check around to make sure you get the best deal. One way to do this easily, is to apply online and get several quotes from a broker. This way you just fill out one application and you may receive several offers. It would be a good idea to see several offers, and compare them to find the best option.

Be sure that you will not be able to get really good terms - at least not nearly as good as someone with good credit. You will most likely have not only higher interest, but shorter repayment terms, too. They will also cut down on the size of the loan you can get, too.

A possibility exists, though, to work on getting a better loan. When you find someone will give you a loan, make it a small one. Get one that you can pay back in a short time. This way, you can start to rebuild your credit and get a larger one on better terms before long. The bankruptcy mark will stay with you for a while, but you still can have access to some of the loans you may need.

About the Author:
Joe Kenny writes for the UK Loans Store, offering bad credit loans and you can also consolidate debts by filling out the loan application form on site.

Visit Today:

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Learn From The Rich: Having An Offshore Bank Account

Suggest to the average American that he or she might benefit by owning a foreign bank account and you'll more than likely get a questioning look and a response such as, "Why on Earth would I want to do that?"

Americans, you see, tend to have an extremely parochial attitude when it comes to their money and they also tend to have an almost unnatural suspicion of foreign banking activities. After all, the media have exposed them to an unending series of foreign banking tales involving political shenanigans, financial fiascoes and criminal capers.

Yet, the simple fact is, most Americans could benefit by owning a foreign bank account. Already, foreign banking or, as it is more popularly known today, "offshore banking" has become an important tool for thousands of legitimate and highly successful businesses and individuals. And in today's high tech computerized satellite communications world it is easier than one could ever have believed.

Who would have believed even 5 years ago that standard simple transactions as talking to an American Express agent that the person demanding a cheque stub number could be half way around the world in India speaking better English than most Americans? To top it off this person was probably born in a low tech mud hut and 15 years ago did not even have access to electricity and running water. In practice, a foreign bank account gives the prudent investor the opportunity to synchronize the benefits of various banking activities and blend them into a unique profit-making and tax-saving financial strategy. For the careful and conscientious investor, it is one of the most pragmatic ways of expanding the realm of financial opportunity, because it is one of the most creative ways of diversifying assets.

Since offshore banks don't operate within the United States (hence their name), accounts held in them are rarely subject to our state and federal laws and regulations. Offshore banks can also offer a wide range of services well beyond the legal ability of domestic banks. Through aggressive use of these services, investors can increase their profits, reduce their tax burdens and raise capital at lower interest rates all without the restrictive maze of red tap often encountered in the United States. There are approximately 45 jurisdictions around the world that bill themselves as offshore financial centers or banking havens. Many of these centers are remote, lack adequate support facilities or have flaws in their banking or tax laws that could affect your privacy or your rate of investment return. That does not necessarily mean you should avoid banks in these jurisdictions when shopping for a location for your foreign bank account.

However, it does mean that you should exercise additional caution, making sure the bank is well managed and offers the services, experience and security you are seeking. As a means of increasing your wealth by diversifying your investments, minimizing your tax load and increasing your investment profit you should seriously look at obtaining one or more offshore bank accounts.

About the Author:
William Z. Piker
IT Dept Head Ace Employment Services

Submitted at: - The Premier WebSite Content and Article Directory

Lifestyles Of The Super Rich

The rich 2% of the world's population own half of the worlds wealth. North America, Europe, and high income Asia-Pacific countries have 90% of global assets!! Believe it or not. This is all explained on a web site called The site claims that if you are not in the top 1% of income earners, you cant afford to even look at the site!!. This site is not just at look at the rich, but at the super rich.

But it does give some tips on what the top 1% are living like. Firstly the site is targeted at a purely male audience. A quick look at the Forbes Rich List and you soon see that the fairer sex do not feature prominently in the wealth stakes. So what do big boys really want? It seems they prefer yachts to blondes with a starting price at $112 million (not the blonde although they can be expensive to) for the 269-foot Oceanco 702 with exterior and interior design which includes six staterooms and suites for a dozen guests, plus space for 28 crew members. Twin 4,680-hp MTU diesels will push it along for 5,500 nautical miles at 14 knots and take it up to around 19 knots in a hurry. You can work your way down the list and get a yacht for a steal of a mere $20 million.

Next on the list are fast and expensive cars; the traditional big boys toy. Buy a Bugatti Veyron at a mere $1,700,000. The Bugatti Veyron is the most powerful, most expensive, and fastest street-legal production car in the world, with a proven top speed of over 400 km/h (407 km/h or 253 mph). It reached full production in September 2005. The car is built by Volkswagen AG subsidiary Bugatti Automobiles SAS and is sold under the legendary Bugatti marque. It is named after racing driver Pierre Veyron, who won the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1939 while racing for the original Bugatti firm. The Veyron features a W16 engine16 cylinders in 4 banks of 4 cylinders.

You can savor your car with some fine wine at a mere $1540 per bottle; A Dom. Romane Conti 1997. This French red Burgundy smells of berries, spices and leather. Dark in color, it hints at flavors of soy sauce, flowers and licorice. The aroma is rich and penetrating without being too profound. The Romane Conti is a rare wine that has carved a niche for itself along the years. At over fifteen hundred dollars a bottle, it no longer has anything to prove.

If you do choose to get married to that platinum blonde, you can do so in style with a diamond wedding cake at $20 million and a weeding present of a $6.5 million diamond bra from Victoria's Secret, take the wedding photos with a gold plated ASHI Pentax, watch the TV on the honeymoon (yeah right!!) with a diamond studded TV and listen to music with your 18 carat gold plated MP3 player.

Who said money can't buy you happiness.

About the Author:
Philip Rich has been a commentator of the rich and famous for 7 years.

Submitted at: - The Premier WebSite Content and Article Directory

Online Security: Be Safe With Your Credit Card

You never can be too sure, at least thats what my anti-Internet Shopping friends tell me. Maybe they are right, but the Internet is too convenient and powerful to not take advantage of. So, as long as you are online, you ought to keep a few things in mind after all they could be correct.

Phishing Scams What to Watch For

The biggest credit fraud problem on the Internet today doesn't have to do with consumer purchases, it has to do with a phenomenon known as phishing. Phishing is a criminal activity in which scamsters attempt to acquire personal or credit card information. Although phishing originated in the 1990s as a way to gain illegal access to America OnLine, it has progressed into one of the fastest and most adaptive credit card crimes in America.

The latest incarnations have attempted to target online shoppers and bank patrons, as well as social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook. Typically, a user will receive a spoofed email, a clever production made to imitate a bank, merchant or credit card company. The email will contain general information, and typically requests some sort of verification of account information, or request for personal data. Phishers have even gone so far as to imitate the IRS and capture sensitive tax data. Instant messenger and the telephone have been used to a lesser extent.

Some common tactics that Phishers use are mimicking URLs to banks or credit providers that you use. For example, a website could be set up that asks you to verify your account number and billing address. It could appear to be related to your bank, and show a web address of something like: Unwitting users may end up simply forking over extremely account data that could, and probably will be used for identity theft. So, be weary of online solicitations of account information. Most, if not 100% of banks and credit card providers have a strict policy to never solicit personal account information online.

How to Respond to Phishing

The Federal Trade Commission began prosecuting phishing crimes in 2004, with mixed success. If you become a victim of phishing you should contact them, your local police, or the FBI immediately. Also, it goes without saying that you should close any account that may be tampered with, and contact your credit providers immediately. Finally, make sure to contact the three major credit reporting bureaus to have a fraud alert posted on your credit report.

In 2005 Senator Patrick Leahy introduced the Anti-Phishing Act of 2005. It is a bill that doles out severe criminal penalties to anybody convicted of creating fraudulent emails or websites in order to illegally gain information or financial reward. Phishing is now a federal crime, and the Secret Service and FBI are more aggressively pursuing it.

The basic and obvious steps to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of phishing is to not respond to email or Internet solicitations for your personal account information. In fact, as your browser can be manipulated by Javascript, you ought not even open unsolicited mail or junk mail. The best possible tip you can follow is that if you see a request from a creditor or bank you do business with, you should contact them by phone or in person to discuss the online solicitation. Verify their intentions, but do so using customer service contact information you already have in your account informations that is to say, don't use the contact phone number from the suspicious email.

For more information on phishing and Internet fraud, visit

5 Tips For Identity Theft Protection

It's that time of year.

This is when we all start getting those emails that want to steal our secret codes and passwords. You know the ones:

Your Account Is About To Be Closed,

There's A Block On Your Account,

Congratulations! You've Won The Lottery (that you never entered)

and my favorite

Could You Help Me Claim My Funds

This is also the time of year when we start shopping for gifts and the last thing you need is for your bank or credit card accounts to be stolen by "cyber grifters". They are counting on some of us to follow the instructions in the email.

First and foremost, DON'T FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE EMAIL! If you think there might be a problem, access the account in question as you normally do on your PC and not with the link supplied in the phony email.

I've had some very authentic looking email supposedly from banks
, that even went so far as to copy the colors of the bank logo and stationery style. But, don't fall for the scam. In fact, don't even open the email, because many are just set to loose a virus program on your computer by being opened. Simply forward the suspicious email to the "spoof email" address supplied by your bank, or credit card company.

Identity Theft is a worldwide epidemic. According to the Better Business Bureau and Javelin Research, almost 9 million Americans fell prey to identity theft this year with fraud costing businesses and individuals over $56 billion dollars.

There are ways to reduce your chances of identity theft:

1. Understand debit card dangers: When it comes to fraud,
debit cards carry much greater personal liability than credit cards, depending on how quickly you report the loss of the card. If you fail to report unauthorized use within 60 days of receiving your bank statements, you could lose all the money in the account and be held responsible for the amount of money that has been tapped from your line of credit.

2. Rethink check writing: That little slip of paper has way too much information. Some experts advise against check writing because it gives away your address, bank account
number, signature and license number to complete strangers. On top of that, there's no federal legislation to limit your liability for forged checks (each state has its own set of rules). Experts advise that you look into automating your bill paying.

3. Secure your mail: Your mailbox is a goldmine of information. Between bank statement, bills, and all those pre-approved credit card offers, your mailbox is loaded with personal data which identity thieves can use to easily apply for a credit card in your name. Unless you diligently check your credit report, you may never even know about it. One way to avoid this is to have your mailbox under lock and key, but most of us in Santa Clarita have our mailboxes at the curb in front of our house and the postman frowns on carrying dozens and dozens of keys around. The other solution is to have a rented mailbox, or to foil "dumpster-diving" thieves by buying a shredder and destroy documents before discarding.

4. Go virtual: For shopping online, there are "virtual" card numbers. These are randomly generated credit card numbers that are disposable and that on-line shoppers use once and throw away. It's linked directly to your real credit card account so purchases show up on your monthly bill. The service is easy to use and it's FREE! All you need to do is register with companies offering the virtual card, and they are MBNA, Discover, and Citigroup.

5. Create an emergency identity kit: Would you know how to contact your credit card company in an emergency? Create an emergency kit that contains: your account number, expiration date, issuing company name, and emergency contact number for each card you own. While you're at it, make copies of your driver's license, social security card, birth certificate and passport and store them in a locked box or file cabinet, or a safe deposit box. I like the safe deposit box best, because this gives you protection in the event of a catastrophe such as fire, earthquake, etc.

This may all seem like a lot of unnecessary work, but if you're ever the victim of identity theft even just once you'll realize that it's well worth the effort.

Many of us forget that were it not for what we carry in our wallets or in our purses, we're all John and Jane Doe's if we can't speak due to injury or are unaccompanied by someone who knows us. How much less stressful is it to know that in a bank box, no matter where you are, there are items that can verify your identity. Better to be safe, than sorry!

Daryl Campbell's website provides more free tips, resources, feature articles and advice from security experts plus up to the minute news and information to help you protect yourself against identity theft and credit card fraud.

Check it out

Friday, December 29, 2006

What To Do If There Are Inaccuracies On Your Credit Report

Under the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), both the consumer reporting company and the information provider (that is, the person, company, or organization that provides information about you to a consumer reporting company) are responsible for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. To take advantage of all your rights under this law, contact the consumer reporting company and the information provider.

Step One
Tell the consumer reporting company, in writing, what information you think is inaccurate. Include copies (NOT originals) of documents that support your position. In addition to providing your complete name and address, your letter should clearly identify each item in your report you dispute, state the facts and explain why you dispute the information, and request that it be removed or corrected. You may want to enclose a copy of your report with the items in question circled. Your letter may look something like the one below. Send your letter by certified mail, “return receipt requested,” so you can document what the consumer reporting company received. Keep copies of your dispute letter and enclosures.

Consumer reporting companies must investigate the items in question—usually within 30 days—unless they consider your dispute frivolous. They also must forward all the relevant data you provide about the inaccuracy to the organization that provided the information. After the information provider receives notice of a dispute from the consumer reporting company, it must investigate, review the relevant information, and report the results back to the consumer reporting company. If the information provider finds the disputed information is inaccurate, it must notify all three nationwide consumer reporting companies so they can correct the information in your file.

When the investigation is complete, the consumer reporting company must give you the results in writing and a free copy of your report if the dispute results in a change. This free report does not count as your annual free report. If an item is changed or deleted, the consumer reporting company cannot put the disputed information back in your file unless the information provider verifies that it is accurate and complete. The consumer reporting company also must send you written notice that includes the name, address, and phone number of the information provider.

If you ask, the consumer reporting company must send notices of any corrections to anyone who received your report in the past six months. You can have a corrected copy of your report sent to anyone who received a copy during the past two years for employment purposes.

If an investigation doesn’t resolve your dispute with the consumer reporting company, you can ask that a statement of the dispute be included in your file and in future reports. You also can ask the consumer reporting company to provide your statement to anyone who received a copy of your report in the recent past. You can expect to pay a fee for this service.

Step Two
Tell the creditor or other information provider, in writing, that you dispute an item. Be sure to include copies (NOT originals) of documents that support your position. Many providers specify an address for disputes. If the provider reports the item to a consumer reporting company, it must include a notice of your dispute. And if you are correct—that is, if the information is found to be inaccurate—the information provider may not report it again.

Sample Dispute Letter

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code

Complaint Department

Name of Company
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to dispute the following information in my file. The items I dispute also are encircled on the attached copy of the report I received.

This item (identify item(s) disputed by name of source, such as creditors or tax court, and identify type of item, such as credit account, judgment, etc.) is (inaccurate or incomplete) because (describe what is inaccurate or incomplete and why). I am requesting that the item be deleted (or request another specific change) to correct the information.

Enclosed are copies of (use this sentence if applicable and describe any enclosed documentation, such as payment records, court documents) supporting my position. Please investigate this (these) matter(s) and (delete or correct) the disputed item(s) as soon as possible.

Your name

Enclosures: (List what you are enclosing)


Advertisement : Clean Up Your Credit Report

Setting New Financial Goals For The New Year

The first step in managing your money is having financial goals. The New Year is the ideal time to review your financial goals.

Your goals help you to guide your finances on a daily basis. You have something that you are working towards every day. You plan and follow a budget, using your goals as your map.

Without your financial goals, you don't really have the proper motivation to get out there and save. Without a plan, you aren't getting anywhere. If you don't set financial goals, you may never see financial independence.

If you've never set yourself any financial goals, you need to sit down with a pen and paper and look at what you want to accomplish. There is a reason you want to change your finances. Make a list of the things you want.

Your list will probably start with getting out of debt, starting a retirement account, saving to buy a home, and the basics. But don't let that hold you back. Include everything you want to get out of your money to your list. If you want new furniture or a trip to Europe, include them. These are money goals that you can work towards.

Prioritize your list. While getting out of debt is a top priority, going to Europe would be something that could wait. Some goals you will be consistently working on at the same time. Others will wait until something else is accomplished.

Look at each of your goals and set yourself time limits. For example, you may know that you have 25 years to prepare for retirement. You might want to be debt-free in 6 years. Set these goals reasonably and remember that they can always be modified if necessary.

Then start breaking down your goals into short term goals. When you break a large task up into small steps, you are motivated to stay on task. Plus, it simply makes the tasks easier.

For example, if your goal is to get out of debt, your short term goals may be:
  • Form a debt master list that lists each debt, contact info, interest rate, payment and balance for each debt you owe. (1 Week)
  • Set up a budget and find ways to cut back on spending in order to put more towards monthly debt payments. (3 weeks)
  • Call credit cards and request lower rates. If denied, start shopping for lower interest rate cards and transfer balances. (4 Weeks)
  • Sell boat and put extra money towards paying off debt #1 on master list.

And so on. These lists can be never ending. As you think of a new "to do," simply add it to the list. Remember, things are set in stone. Management means that you are flexible, yet dedicated.
Once your goals are set, you need to review them often. Keep them in front of you constantly. Every time you pay bills or balance your accounts, you should look to see if you are working towards your goals. Keep them in mind. If you find that you aren't making progress on a goal, you should evaluate why you are failing and make the changes that are necessary.

Having goals helps you to stay on the right track financially. They are essential when you are looking towards financial freedom. But you must work towards them. Don't just set them and forget them. Review and revise as needed.

Martin Lukac , represents , an Internet consumer banking marketplace. is a destination site of personal finance, investing, taxes and mortgage rates. provides mortgage guides and financial rates and information. also operates a financial portal #1 American Financial, found at

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Closer Look at Bankruptcy

By Andi Wize

Bankruptcy is a process of the federal court that is aimed at helping both businesses and individuals in clearing up their debts and repaying under the protection given by the bankruptcy court. There are basically two types: liquidation and reorganization.

Liquidation bankruptcy, under bankruptcy code chapter 7, occurs when you plead the court to have your debts discharged. Some of your properties will then be liquidated or sold by the bankruptcy court, returns of which shall be divided among your creditors. This type of bankruptcy proceeding lasts for four to six months which is quite fast and only one appearance at the courthouse is necessary. It is very convenient and doesn't require payments stretched over time.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy code isn't available to everyone, though. You maybe won't benefit from it if in the past six to eight years, you have benefited from a bankruptcy discharge. Likewise, if after examination of your income, expenses, and overall debt, it was found out that the other type of bankruptcy proceeding is more appropriate, then you can't insist on pursuing this kind. Veterans who are now disabled and who incurred their debt at the time of their active duty are almost automatically allowed to file. In addition, those people whose debts are caused by running a business are qualified as well. For those people not belonging to any of these categories, certain criteria must be met.

The criteria has been affected by the new rules imposed on bankruptcy. One of the considerations is your current monthly income which in turn will be compared against the median income for a family of similar size in your state. This isn't your income at the time of your filing. Instead, it is your average income for the past six months before filing. Social Security benefits system like retirement and disability benefits aren't included in the computation. If your income appears to be enough to support the other type of bankruptcy proceeding in spite of permitted expenses and payments for child support, tax debts, and others, liquidation bankruptcy is unfortunately not allowed.

Many people, if given a choice, would prefer this type since repayment of a portion of the debt is unnecessary. You may lose some of your properties but some courts permit some sort of a leeway that doesn't take all to give you something to start with afterwards.

On the other hand, reorganization bankruptcy, usually under Chapter 13, happens when you file to a bankruptcy court a plan on how you intend to settle your debts. You indicate how much each of your creditors will get, depending on your finances. There will be a three- or five-year repayment plan, only after which can you be discharged of your debts, if any still remains. At times, however, due to obvious financial difficulties, the court itself decides to give a discharge earlier than planned and this is what usually happens.

An additional requirement for both types of bankruptcy is completion of credit counselling conducted by an agency recognized and approved by the United States Trustee’s office. This helps you look closely at the situation at hand and identify if bankruptcy is really essential. This allows you to see several possibilities of informal repayment which you may have overlooked in the past. Even if such is obviously impossible, counselling remains a major requirement. Furthermore, completion of post-counselling is required after the proceedings. This aims to teach you financial management to avoid encountering the same situation in the future. The bankruptcy discharge will not be released unless this is fulfilled.

Bankruptcy may be beneficial for both the debtor and creditor. This is a way of recognizing one’s responsibilities and mistakes that led to the financial difficulty. The entire process takes into consideration both parties’ interests and leads to the development of an action plan that fulfils them. As such, this law shouldn't be abused by any debtor thinking that a court is there to intervene.

Bankruptcy, although generally advantageous, must be considered as a last resort. You should, in all circumstances, work hard to be in full control of your finances to avoid being estranged in difficulties. Discipline is indeed a very crucial trait that must be maintained at all times.

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What are mutual funds?

By: Michael Saville

Mutual funds are very popular. In fact, they are the one of the most popular investments on the market today. What does that mean in numbers? There are over 10,000 different funds with over $4 trillion in investments!!

Why are they so popular? For some, it is because of their great returns. Others like funds because they are easy to buy and sell. Still others like them because they are diversified and less risky.

A mutual fund raises money from investors to invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities. It is a package made up of several individual investments. When those investments gain or lose value, you gain or lose as well. When they pay dividends, you get a share of them. Mutual funds also offer professional management and diversification. They do much of your investing work for you.

Mutual funds have been around since the 1800's, but didn't become what we know today until 1924. Even then, they did not become a household word until the 1990's, at which time the number of people owning them tripled. A recent survey shows that 88% of all investors have at least some of their money in mutual funds.

A mutual fund is a special type of company that pools together money from many investors and invests it on behalf of the group, in accordance with a stated set of objectives. Mutual funds raise the money by selling shares of the fund to the public, much like any other company can sell stock in itself to the public. Funds then take the money they receive from the sale of their shares (along with any money made from previous investments) and use it to purchase various investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, and money market instruments.

In return for the money they give to the fund when purchasing shares, shareholders receive an equity position in the fund and, in effect, in each of its underlying securities. For most mutual funds, shareholders are free to sell their shares at any time, although the price of a share in a mutual fund will fluctuate daily, depending upon the performance of the securities held by the fund.

Most investors pick mutual funds based on recent fund performance, the suggestion of a friend, and/or the praise bestowed on them by a financial magazine or fund-rating agency. While using these methods can lead one to selecting a quality fund, they can also lead you in the wrong direction and wondering what happened to that "great pick."

Despite the distinctive characteristics of mutual funds - performance, management philosophy, & investment objectives - your specific selections should be chosen within the context of your overall financial plan. Examining features such as past performance are not where your studies should begin. The point of departure is you; your financial priorities; your resources; your approach to investment diversification; your willingness (or lack thereof) to accept market volatility; and your time horizon for a particular investment.

Total Returns are fun to look at and brag about, but simply looking at a fund's total return for the past year is not necessarily a good measure of a fund's quality. For example, investors often talk about how well a specific fund did last year and how happy they are with that performance -- say a 16% return in an equity income fund. Well, in a given year that may or may not have been a good return for an equity income fund. That fund may have under-performed many or most other equity-income funds for the year. Returns should always be measured in context with how other similar "categorized" (e.g.. equity income funds, growth funds, small cap funds, etc.) funds have performed. So don't get overly excited by a funds total return until you see how it compares to other similar funds over the same period.

As it is often said, past performance can't predict future results. But when comparing performance of funds, it is also wise to look beyond the results of one or two years. Most experts suggest that a larger "window" of 5 to 10 years gives a clearer picture of historical performance. Has your fund or the one you are considering performed well over this longer time horizon? Any fund can have one good or one bad year, but if you are investing for the long term, you want a fund that has a consistent track record. While that record doesn't guarantee future results, it gives you an indicator that may be to your advantage.

About Author

Michael Saville has over twenty five years experience in providing finance and investment advice. He has written a free five-part short course on 'no load mutual funds' which is available at

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Best Ways To Build Credit: How Credit Cards Can Help

By: Edward Vegliante

If you have not yet established a credit record for yourself or you are in the process of rebuilding your credit, getting a credit card can greatly help you. The fact is, credit cards are one of the best ways to build a credit history and increase your credit worthiness.

If you wondering why you need to build your credit, consider the following reasons:

1. Having a credit history makes it far easier to obtain utilities like gas, electricity and phone services in your personal residence. Without a credit history, you may be asked to put down a large cash deposit to ensure that you will pay all your bills on time.

2. If you plan to ever buy a house or condo, the higher and more extensive your credit history is, the better the rate you will obtain for your mortgage.

3. If you ever want to get a degree and borrow money to pay for it, having a credit history will make it far easier to qualify for a good loan.

4. If you ever want to open your own business, you need a positive credit history in order to obtain a business loan or line of credit.

In short, you have much to gain by establishing credit for yourself as soon as you can. The earlier you begin building your credit history, the more advantages you will create for yourself for any future plans you may have.

You can build credit in many ways, such as having a department store credit card, or taking out a small loan at a bank and paying it off, but having a credit card is actually a far more effective way to build your credit. The simple reason for this is that you can use a credit card to pay for all your regular and ordinary expenses for which you might be paying cash, and in the process, you are literally building your credit record.

For example, at the very minimum, you might as well use a card to pay for all your grocery purchases, gas station fill-ups, and clothing purchases. By paying off these purchases in full when you receive your credit card statement each month for as little as two years, you can be taking advantage of hundreds of simple opportunities to build yourself a credit history without any risk or pain.

So if you do not yet have a credit history or if are trying to improve your credit, don’t wait any longer to apply for a credit card and begin using it as often as you can on your ordinary daily purchases. Many banking institutions are seeking new credit card business and are eager to find new applicants who need to build their credit history. They are especially interested in college students, young professionals, and people seeking cards in order to get special benefits such as airline miles or bonus points, and so you can find many attractive deals online from banks catering to your needs.

About Author

Ed Vegliante runs the website , a well organized credit card directory enabling the consumer to compare and apply for a variety of credit card offers including 0% APR Credit Cards.

4 Benefits of Debt Consolidation

By: Dave Galahad

Debt consolidation is the process of combining all your monthly debt payments into one manageable monthly payment. So many people just keep doing the same thing and end up putting themselves farther behind. There are at least four benefits well worth consideration when trying to decide the best way to get out of debt.

First and foremost, you need to be committed to what you are doing. For any debt plan to work, you first have to fully commit to avoid taking on any extra debt while you are trying to dig your way out of the current situation. Have you ever heard the expression "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging"? If you're not committed, then any debt plan you enter into is doomed to failure which means the hole you are currently in will only get deeper. If you're ready to make that commitment and stick to it, then you're ready to be free of your bad debts, and put the money towards something else that will benefit you instead of your creditors. Read on.

In using this method, you pick a specific day of each month that you would like to make your payment. Part of the stress of carrying debt is remembering to pay everyone on time. Of course, when your payments are late, you incur late charges, over the limit charges, higher finance charges and your once low interest rate may skyrocket because you are now perceived as a higher risk. With a debt consolidation plan, you make only one debt payment per month, which is usually set up as an automatic draft from your bank account. Making it automatic is a great carefree way to make sure the funds get where they need to be on time.

This also brings welcome stress relief because you are condensing multiple debt payments into one manageable monthly payment. The great benefit here is now you don't have to remember multiple debt payments on different days throughout each month. As long as you make your one debt payment per month for the life of the plan, all is well. All you have to do is make sure there is money in the account when the monthly draft is made.

You may be able to lower your overall debt payment. Would you like to use the extra cash to be put back into your consolidation plan? Maybe you'd rather sock away the extra funds and begin a savings account or dedicate more money to your retirement plan. People who enter into debt consolidation plans usually have several high interest debts they are trying to overcome. Depending on the method of consolidation (professional help, consolidation loan, refinance, etc.) the repayment terms of your loan are set for a fixed period and the interest rate is considerably lower.

Perhaps the best benefit of debt consolidation is lowered interest. Here's another chance to use extra cash for something constructive. Whether you secure a debt consolidation loan, complete a cash-out refinance, or work with a not-for-profit agency that has established relationships with your creditors, paying less interest on your debt means more money stays in your pocket. Also, more of your hard earned income can go directly to the principal balance. This allows you to pay your debts quicker and with less interest charged over the life of the plan.

About Author

Dave Galahad is a freelance writer for on topics of banking, finance, investing, credit, savings, and debt.

Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator - How Much Will it Save You?

By: Geoff Morris

Imagine if there was a way that could help you could reduce the term of your mortgage by up to Five Years? Just think - if you could reduce the term of your mortgage by up to five years earlier, then you could even retire earlier, or enjoy 5 years of better holidays, better cars...

What would you do with this advice- ignore it - and lose the chance to reduce your interest paid to those greedy Banks over a 25 year period - or grab something back for yourself?

What if all you had to do was to pay half your mortgage bi-weekly (fortnightly to our UK cousins) - and all these benefits would be yours...

Now, doing the math for bi-weekly mortgages might be too much of a hassle for the regular home buyer, but all a fortnightly mortgage is, is actually just your normal mortgage payment cut in half. Every other week, you pay one half of your normal mortgage payment.

Let’s say for instance you have a mortgage interest of 8% on your $100,000 home. By doing a bi-weekly mortgage on this instead of a 30-year loan, you can estimate with a bi-weekly mortgage calculator that the amount of your savings can reach up to $48,000. Plus, you can even make 13 full payments and pay off early on your home, so you can gain by paying less interest overall, and over a shorter term. Using a fortnightly mortgage rate calculator, you can see that bi-weekly payments will cost you $50 each month.

Interesting Facts

You could reduce your overall interest paid by up to 23% by using bi-weekly mortgage repayments

If you don't want the hassle of doing this yourself then contact your local broker, or visit some of the sites given on this page.

The Internet is a smorgasbord of mortgage calculators, including bi-weekly mortgage rate calculators. Below is list of websites that feature bi-weekly mortgage rate calculators for free use by their consumers. Bi-Weekly Mortgage Rate Calculator

The Reduce-My-Mortgage website offers a bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator that allows you to enter your personal information so you can start calculating your bi-weekly mortgage payments. Their bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator also helps you determine how much you can save in both time and money.

The site also features an update corner where bi-weekly mortgage buyers are told about recent mortgage news. These news like the home loan errors found out by the CLA (Consumer Loan Advocates) helps the consumer realize the importance of using a bi-weekly mortgage rate calculators. In addition to helping you calculate your savings, this fortnightly mortgage rate calculator may also be used on Automobile, Boat, Student, and Business loans. Bi-Weekly Mortgage Rate Calculator

Virtual Lender is a Turkish website offering solutions such as bi-weekly mortgage rate calculators for either the individual loan officer or the entire mortgage company. Their bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator helps consumers determine the amount and projected period of loan payments. Bi-Weekly Mortgage Rate Calculator

This website offers a monthly and bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator to help you determine your payments. The only thing you need to do with the 1 Stop monthly and bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator is enter the principal loan into the field provided. After that, also type in the interest rate and the loan term into the bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator and find out how much your monthly payment will be. Also, this bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator will also let you know how much you save if you use bi-weekly payments. Bi-Weekly Mortgage Rate Calculator

The bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator of this website will show you the possible savings you can make with your type of mortgage loan. Accelerated bi-weekly mortgage payment is the technique used by this fortnightly mortgage rate calculator in order to determine the amount of savings. Bi-weekly payments usually work in only one way. They can accelerate your mortgage pay off by paying half of your normal monthly payment every two weeks. By the end of each year, you can see using a fortnightly mortgage rate calculator that what you have paid for is equivalent to 13 monthly payments instead of 12. This technique used by this bi-weekly mortgage rate calculator can take several years off your mortgage term and also save you thousands of dollars in interest.

So there you have it. The choice is yours...

You can Do Nothing - and what benefits will you get ... NOTHING.

Or you can take easy steps to slash the horrendous amount of interest that you would normally pay over the life of your mortgage, and shorten the term you are paying for it for, and make the poor banks to be the losers.

About Author

Geoff Morris, Cambridge UK Learn more about Make More Money with Ebooks in conjunction with Ewen Chia

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Implementing Wealth Strategies

By: Jeanna Gabellini

You always follow through with all the wealth strategies you learn and like, right? If you said no, you're not alone. I don't and most of my clients don't either. Actually, it's probably not a good idea if you want to keep balance in your life.

So, what do you do if you aren't implementing much of anything or just keep going for the small stuff? You have to step into the mentality of the "B" & "I" quadrants. (If you don't know what they are, read Robert Kiyosaki's, "CASHFLOW Quadrant"). That means you'll have to create a system for implementation and you'll want to only choose the things that will give you the best ROI in regards to both time and money.

Simple ways to make the changes are best.

1. If you haven't yet done your 3 wealth plans, decide when you'll do it. Get out your calendar right now, set aside 2 hours and JUST DO IT. Need help? Go to

2. Clarify what hasn't been working and what's standing between you and implementation. If your answer is procrastination, look deeper. Why? Do you need more info, do you think it'll be hard, is there fear? Do you need assistance?

3. Focus on the essence of what your wealth plan will get you. Now say, "Yes, I CAN have that." The only reason you may not have it all now is because you haven't made the decision to have it. It must be a done deal in your mind. You have to believe it. You've heard it a million times. Do you believe?

4. Release any of your stories, proof and excuses of why you haven't/can't move forward with implementing the strategies that will get you out of the rat race. They are illusions. And if you say that the economy is bad or you don't know how to begin, I'll scream! You DO know what you need to do and there are tons of people prospering right now.

5. Create a specific focus. For example, set up automatic deductions from your checking into an account that will build to invest for real estate deals. Make two extra payments on your mortgage each year. Form a partnership with 3 other people to play CASHFLOW, mastermind and possibly do deals together. That's it. Three areas of focus at a time. Once you have one completed, pick up another. This sounds basic, but most people truly do not make this a priority. How much time do you spend talking about your lack of money, fret over spending money, feel guilty about what you're not doing about investing, stressing over your business and economy, etc.? Flip your focus to what's possible (in a good way) and channel your energy into solutions and actions.

6. Be accountable to someone. Friend, spouse, coach. Put post it notes up to remind you. Get psyched about moving forward. Talk about your successes and the place you were stuck in.

7. It is not complicated. Let this be fun. Everything to do with money is a game. Keep it light. Remember fear may feel real, but it is an illusion that you can replace with another emotion like being thrilled.

8. Say NO to:
* Anything that is not on your primary focus list.
* Your ego mind worrying about what other people think about your strategy.
* Getting advice from anyone who doesn't walk their talk.
* Holding on to what you have for fear nothing better will come.
* Playing and feeling small.
* Jumping into a deal before you feel confident about your choice.
* Your old stories that keep you at the level of wealth you're at(unless you are right where you want to be!)
* Guilt. It's of no use. If you're not moving at the speed you want, find someone or something to take you into a new reality with your financial freedom.

9. Say YES to:
* Working your plan at a pace that feels good for you (fast or slow, doesn't matter).
* Visualizing what it would feel like to have millions of $$$ (or whatever your dream is). Make it so real in your mind, that it makes you smile. :-)
* Making a decision right now to implement something you've been wanting to do. C'mon. Make it a stretch.
* Feeling peaceful right now, no matter what your current financial status is. Peace has nothing to do with financial security and wealth. It's a state of mind. If you get peaceful first, the wealth comes a lot faster and easier. I say this from experiencing both extremes myself and watching my clients.
* Knowing that you're up to this. Of course you are! Say it. "I am a money magnet!"Yeah!!!

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Jeanna Gabellini is the Xtreme Abundance Coach. She'll give you all the tools you need to create financial wealth and prosperity with her personal coaching, tele-courses and audio products. Jeanna blends strategy, Laws of attraction and FUN to assist you in creating exactly what you want. Are you ready for Extreme Abundance? Go to to get your free ezine or call 707-747-0447 for more info.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Understanding Your Credit Score

By John Prentice Prentice

Most people know that our credit reports have a lot of information about our borrowing history. How credit worthy we are - how likely we are to pay off our debts (on time or not) - is also looked at as an indicator of how people are likely to behave in other areas.

Employers rely on credit reports to see if we'll be good employees. Landlords pull credit reports to see if we'll be reliable tenants. Auto insurers rely on credit information when deciding what sort of an insurance risk we are. But for years there's been a piece of the credit report the average consumer has been unable to see.


The scores range from 300 to 850, with a higher score being better than a lower one. It's called a credit risk score and if you have a credit report you have a score too. Fair Isaac Company, (FICO) which is the country's pre-eminent producer of credit scoring models, uses information from your credit report, applies different weights to different pieces of that information and to the history of the information, and calculates a score for you.

When a creditor is trying to decide whether or not to give you a credit card, for example, or what rate of interest to charge on your mortgage , the FICO score is one important factor they consider in making those decisions.


At least 75 percent of home loans are approved with help from - as they're called in the industry - FICO (Fair Isaac and Co.) risk scores. A review of the 100 largest financial institutions in the USA shows that 70 percent use FICO scores. FICO scores play a major role in the marketplace.


Pretty good considering that we see bankruptcies in the headlines so often today. The average score is about 720 on a scale of 350 to 850.

Below that (720), you may have some problems applying for credit. 20% of people score below 620. Since this group includes about 50% of all people who default on their mortgages, lenders are very cautious about approving them for mortgages. The next group of scores represents another 20 percent of people who, in this instance, score between 620 and 690. A score in this 70 point range may not stop you from getting credit, but lenders are going to require greater scrutiny of applicants and may require additional assurances of ability to manage a proposed mortgage. In addition, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (buyers of mortgages for the secondary market) may require that lenders probe for more information to understand why there's been a problem before they agree to make a loan. On the high end, any score above 780 is considered elite. About 1-2% of borrowers score in the 800s.

There are a few factors that make a big difference in your score - let's talk about them and how you can make changes in them to improve your score:

-Your bill-paying record (This accounts for 35 percent of your score). We all know to pay bills on time. If you always have, you've done well in this category. If you slip up here and there, it can hurt your score a fair amount. The more recent the slip up, the more it hurts your score. And, as in all of these categories, a pattern of bad behavior is worse than one mistake. A string of 30-day late payments is worse than one 60-day late. (The way credit scoring works is to compare your habits to those other individuals who have proven to act in a positive or negative way overall. But there are different groups of patterns, so a seasoned user won't be compared to a new user.)

-How much you owe now (30 percent). The scoring companies look at how much you owe relative to how much credit you have available on your credit cards. The closer you are to maxing-out your cards, the lower you'll score in this area. But owing nothing doesn't prove your ability to handle credit - owing a little bit is better. For example, being at 80 percent of your limit would be viewed as very high and a negative; 60 percent in most cases is detrimental enough. Having your balances at 20 to 30 percent of your maximum is just fine.

-How long you've handled credit (15 percent). When people are trying to get their spending under control, one of the things they do - indeed that we might advise them to do - is to make sure they don't have too many tempting cards in their wallet. But, when it comes to your credit score, you may not want to cut up that one card you've had the longest. Then the credit scoring companies lose the ability to see just how long you've been managing credit. It may be better to keep that old card even if it's at a high interest rate, use it a couple times a year and pay it off completely rather than cutting it up.

-Mix of credit (10 percent): It's good to show that you can manage different kinds of credit. So having an installment loan (on a home or a car) as well as having a revolving credit account (credit card) is a positive.

-Pursuit of new credit (10 percent): The media often exaggerate how much searching for new credit can hurt you. That's because, a few years ago, the scorer's methodology was changed to reflect the idea that it was OK - indeed smart - to be shopping around for a loan. So all of your inquiries into a mortgage over a 30-day period now count as one. That said, if you have real credit problems and you're constantly shopping around for new cards or loans, it's going to hurt your score. Moderation is key. If you're out looking for new credit every month, it's a minus. Less frequently than that, you'll probably be okay.

Now that you have this information, you can use it to improve your credit overall. When you receive your report, you can use it to negotiate with lenders in a preliminary way. You could approach a mortgage broker and say,"This is my score, will it be easy for me to get a mortgage?" If you buy your FICO score, you'll also get a guide to understanding the report and the top four factors that contributed to establishing your score. Having reviewed your report and scores, if you need to, you can work to improve your score before you apply for credit. Give yourself three to six months to get it in shape.

If you run a Web search for "free credit score," you'll most likely come up with a number of America’s Lending Partners’ free loan request service will match you with up to four lenders to help you mortgage lenders and banks who may be willing to give your score to you. In some cases, you may have to actually apply for a loan. In other cases, giving them an e-mail address and phone number (so that they can market to you later, one assumes) seems to be sufficient. So if you're willing to give up some personal information, you can get your score for no money. Or you can pay the $ 9 - $13 to the credit reporting agencies and receive your scores. (Even if you're not up for checking your score, you should check your credit report about once a year. If there are problems, you should check all three of the credit bureaus.)

About the author:
John Prentice is a Credit Expert in the Mortgage Industry. John provides credit score repair information and a Credit, Finance & Mortgage newsletter at his web site:

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